Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Entry #8- All's Well that Ends Well

Dear my royal diary,
So I guess everything turned out A-OK. I got crowned King which is totally awesome! I am planning to change all of the unfair laws. Tom got a place in the palace so he doesn't have to live with his mean old dad and Hugo. Miles got his land back and Hugh got thrown in jail. He deserved it for taking Miles' land. I guess everyone lived happily ever after, well, except for Hugo, Hugh, and Tom's Dad!
                                                                      The Prince

Monday, November 24, 2014

Entry #7- Coronation Day

Dear my royal diary,
So finally me and Miles got released and somehow made our way to the coronation. We saw Tom there and I ran on stage. Me and tom told everyone the entire story of how we switched places. Then we had to tell them where the golden seal was. I had completely forgotten about that!  I didn't even know where it was! Tom helped me to remember. This is going to be a good ending.
                                                                    The Prince

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Entry #6- Jail

Dear my royal diary,
Since I didn't have anything to do and I also owed Miles, I decided to go with him to reclaim his land.
Let's just say it didn't go as planned. We got thrown into jail by his own brother Hugh. Luckily I don't have any brothers. Then I realized that the laws are so unfair. One lady got thrown in jail off the courtyard to feed her family. I made the decision that when I become King again I will change these unfair laws.I've heard there is a Coronation for Tom coming up.
                                                                   The Prince

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Entry #5- Order in the Court

Dear my royal diary,
I was right! They are making me steal items. Today Hugo was running with a stolen item and then threw it to me. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. The guards took me to court with Miles. At least I was with Miles or I would have been dead. The judge told us that if someone took a certain amount of gold/$ he would be sentenced to death. The lady didn't want that to happen so he let her "change" the price. So the case was over but they didn't say if I had to go to jail or not. We saw the constable buy the woman's item with the "changed" price. We told the constable if he let us go we would say we didn't see him do that. Crazy day.
                                                         The Prince

Friday, November 21, 2014

Entry #4- Miles

Dear my royal diary,
When we arrived at the inn I learned that his name was Miles and his brother took land that was his. So he's trying to reclaim it. I told him to stand guard and he did (most of the night). Then Hugo and Tom's dad kidnapped me while I was sleeping!

                                                             The Prince

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Entry #3- The KING IS DEAD

Dear my royal diary,
I decided to escape and it worked out okay. I got yelled at a lot. I went to a party where the prince was. I started yelling at the guards to let me in. Then this guy came storming into the party and yelled that the KING IS DEAD!!!!! It was crazy!!! People started yelling that Tom would be king! I'm supposed to be king! I just stood there in shock.Then this guy told me to run because he has a place for me at the inn. Then we made a run for it.
                                                                     The Prince

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Entry #2- out of the palace

Dear my royal diary,
Now I am out of the palace and am in Offal Court. It is brutal here. I met his dad today and he is not very nice. He has this friend Hugo (not very nice either). He treats me like a slave and now, I think he's going to make me do something terrible. I'm thinking about trying to get away from here. Do you think it's a good idea? I definitely do. See you later!

                                                            The Prince